Frequently Asked Questions

Why Flexible Plastic Packaging

Why Flexible Plastic Packaging

Why Flexible Plastic Packaging?
The use of flexible plastic packaging continues to see tremendous growth in both retail and industrial markets. Why? Because it outperforms conventional paper packaging in virtually every way. What’s more, flexible plastic barrier packaging maintains product freshness far better than paper or metal.

There is just no comparison. Today’s extensive flexible barrier packaging options offer unparalleled performance. Products packaged in flexible plastic: stay fresher longer;
have a naturally longer shelf-life, requiring smaller amounts of preservatives;maintain better flavor;retain more nutritional value;are more convenient; have more vivid package graphics.

And, flexible plastic packaging: is lightweight, resulting in lower transportation, storage, and handling costs;offers more options and features (zippers,spouts,valves, tear strings, microwaveability, stand up, tamper-evident, etc.);
is viewed as a premium packaging material and equates to higher quality;
uses less energy to produce than metal containers;
takes up less space in community landfills;


Flexible Plastic Packaging Applications

Flexible Plastic Packaging Applications

Flexible Plastic Packaging Applications

New and unique applications for flexible plastic packaging are continuing to be developed. Never before have so many packaging solutions been available. The barrier properties and the hundreds of potential applications offered by today’s packaging films are far superior to anything previously available.

A partial list of applications for Flexible Bags and Pouches

Commercial & Non-perishables: Medical Products, Hygroscopic resins, Cement/Asphalt, Refractory Products, Rock Salt, Insecticides/Herbicides, Garden Soils, Fertilizers, Mulches, Grass & Field Crop Seed, Detergents, Starch

Foods: Sauces Ketchup, Water, Milk, Pet Foods, Dried Fruits, Coffee, Soup, Meatballs Frozen Entrees, Sugar, Nuts

Joynt Packaging International: Solving Problems.

Packaging problems & solutions

Packaging problems & solutions

Problem: We produce an excellent product, but our packaging looks dull and dated and needs to be updated. I have no idea how to proceed. Where do I begin?

Solution: A call to Joynt Packaging International will get the ball rolling. You’ll find someone eager to help. After discussing your current application….

Problem: All we’ve ever used is paper for our pet foods. Why should I consider plastic?

Solution: Longer shelf-life, better flavor, better retention of nutritional value, just to name a few. Today’s barrier films are far superior to paper. And they are truly cost-competitive. More and more manufacturers are moving to flexible plastic barrier packaging. JPI specializes in barrier films, especially in the pet food sector.


Problem: The FDA is requiring our packaging to be certified to an ANSI/AAMI standard. I have no idea what this is or how to proceed. Can you help me?

Solution: Yes, we can. In addition to packaging design and delivery, Joynt Packaging International can arrange for package certification testing. JPI taps the expertise of the packaging department and staff at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Applied Science and Technology, located in Rochester, New York.


Problem: I’d like to order in larger quantities to get volume pricing but I am a small manufacturer and can’t afford the cash or space to stock large quantities of packaging. What can I do?

Solution: JPI runs Just-In-Time or JIT stock programs from 10 warehouses and distribution centers across North America.


Problem: We purchase tens of thousands of pounds of release film each year. With the price of petroleum products rising almost by the day, my company is being hit hard. What’s so special about Plasto-Sac’s release films?

Solution: Because Plasto-Sac R-Series co-extruded release films are so much better, they allow customers to down-gauge from their current heavier gauge films, resulting in a cost savings of between15-35% vs. the comparable heavier gauge. Additionally, lighter gauge means more film per roll with fewer changeovers and less downtime.


Problem: We operate four plants around the country. I need ready access to materials.

Solution: JPI operates ten consignment warehouses and distribution centers across North America. Chances are, there’s one close to you.


Problem: I use many pallets of release film, but I have severely limited warehouse space.

Solution: JPI can offer a Just-in-Time stocking program to keep you in stock at all times, while keeping your valuable warehouse space free. Call us. We’re experts.


Problem: I run a small company of just two duty free stores. I can’t afford to buy and stock tens of thousands of security tamper evident bags. What can Plasto-Sac do for me?

Solution: Through its close relationship with Joynt Packaging International, Plasto-Sac is able to offer smaller minimum purchase quantities of security tamper evident bags (STEBs). Customers can purchase stock STEBs in quantities as low as 10,000.


Problem: We’re a relatively small company. We don’t have packaging engineers or designers. What are we supposed to do?

Solution: Our specialty is working with small- to medium-sized companies who don’t have in-house packaging departments. Whether it’s print design or materials recommendations, think of Joynt Packaging as your company’s own internal packaging experts.